About the Artist

Brigitte Gautschi - What's Behind It? 1

Brigitte Gautschi

Brigitte Gautschi’s life journey has been an exploration of her own dreams and visions. She believes in continuous self exploration and has found that it is through her creative development that she has discovered a peace that provides an artistic and spiritual freedom. Born and raised in Germany where she received her formal art training, Brigitte became a citizen of Switzerland after marrying her husband Hans. The couple’s quest for privacy and serenity brought them to Lincolnville, Maine in the mid 1980s. It is here that Brigitte’s recurring childhood dream of living in the forest amongst the animals became a reality.  She describes the mid-coast Maine area as having an inexplicable connection to her soul, a home where she has found true inner peace. All works on display at the Gautschi Center were created in Maine. Brigitte believes the subjects and techniques used in her art derive from her soul as opposed to her intellect. Whether it is landscapes or portraiture, Brigitte explains “I paint the way I feel it.” The style of the work is ever-changing and inspired by her feelings. It is Brigitte’s hope that her work can inspire emotion from the viewer and stimulate a soulful connection […]